Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Personal Software List for Fresh Window Installs

Let's face it... it's really time-consuming and frustrating to find the essential programs to install when you have finally decided to reinstall your Windows system.

That said, I have compiled my list (mostly for my personal use) of survival programs needed right after a new install of Windows system.

Last Update: 10 Dec 2017

Internet Browser:
Mozilla Firefox (js:Greasemonkey) Cons: eats up all your RAM if you open more than 1 tab
Google Chrome (fast) Not suggested due to alleged privacy issues.
Opera (even faster)

Archiving Software:
Bandizip (FREE, lightwight, pretty interface, codepage support, unarchives popular archive formats: ZIP, RAR, 7Z, ...)
7-Zip (Open source, .7z format has high compression rate)
(N.B. Do not use WinRAR, it's evil!)

PDF Viewer:
Foxit Reader (free, minimal unobstructive ads)

VC++ Development:
Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition (if you can afford the disk space)

Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010 (lightweight, but lacks MFC and rc Editor)
ResEdit (rc Editor to overcome the problem above)
eXeScope(another ancient .rc Resource Editor, not free)
WTL (Windows Template Library) (better stop using MFC altogether!!)
Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK) (contains ATL libraries needed for WTL)

Qt (GUI development, if you can afford the disk space)

DirectX SDK
Windows Development Kit (WDK)

Reverse Engineering Tools:
Finding packer/compiler/linker signatures
ProtectionID v6.x.x (better than PEiD in my opinion)
Detect It Easy v0.88 v1.0.1

Code analysis
OllyDbg v1.10 (Don't use v2) Dynamic code analysis (don't run trojans directly!)
IDA Pro + Hex-Rays Decompiler (Static code analysis) Cons: Not freeware.
PE Explorer (Static code analysis) not free, less fancy(useless) stuffs than IDA Pro
x96dbg (32-bit and 64-bit debugger, has built-in Scylla)
C32Asm (Chinese GB language disassembler)

(VB.NET C# Exclusive:)
.NET Reflector+Reflexil (disassembling .NET applications directly, not free)
ILSpy (free, open-source) + Reflexil

(Delphi Exclusive:)
DeDe (support Borland only)
IDR (Interactive Delphi Reconstructor), good support for Embarcadero Delphi (up to XE3 at time of writing) 32-bit only!!!
Delphi Decompiler 1.7 by Bitmaker

(VB6 Exclusive:)
P32Dasm v.2.80.75 (VB PCode Decompiler)

(Java Exclusive:)
Java Decompiler / 2008-2015 Emmanuel Dupuy (free, open-source)
DJ Java Decompiler (not free)
Java Bytecode Viewer (good for Android apk as well)

(Flash/ActionScript Exclusive:)
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler
Sothink Flash Decompiler (not free)
Yogda 1.0.564

Dumping Tools
CHimpREC (dumping tool)
Scylla 0.9.7c 0.9.8 x86/x64 Dumping Tool + Imports Reconstructor

Miscellaneous Tools 
Armadillo Key Tool
ProcessMonitor (SysInternals)
Kernel Detective

Portable Software Tools
VMWare ThinApp

Debugging HTTP(S) Traffic:
Fiddler2 / 4
Charles (great support for multiple protocols e.g. AMF3 but NOT FREE)

Graphic Editing Tools:
paint.NET (FREEware, simple interface) Sufficient for day-to-day casual image manipulation
SAI 1/2 (useful if you have a drawing tablet, not free though)
Adobe Photoshop CC (ugh...)

Text Editing Tools:
Notepad++ (FREEware)
Sublime Text 2/3 (not free)
jEdit (free)
Atom (slow startup...)

HEX Editing Tools:
MiTeC Hexadecimal Editor (free)
HxD (Freeware Hex Editor and Disk Editor)
Hex Workshop(not free)
WinHex(forensic use, not free)
UltraEdit (powerful but not free)
010 Editor (powerful templates, not free)

Disc Tools:
DAEMON Tools Lite
InfraRecorder (free, open-source)
Alcohol 120

Screen Recording Tools:
CamStudio (free, open-source)

Audio/Media Tools:
VLC media player

Virtual Machine Tools:
VMWare Player

Search Everything
Process Hacker 2
Process Monitor