Saturday, May 3, 2014

What is AMF3?

AMF3 (Action Message Format, version 3) is a binary protocol developed by Adobe Systems. It is primarily used for remote procedure calls by Flash/Flex applications. (i.e. communicating with a web server)

A primary goal in the design of AMF3 is that transmitted data be as small as possible. (Just look at U29 integers) 

Reading binary AMF3 data in hex string format manually presents a challenged because it looks compressed.

[to be continued. . .]

Efficient looping in Python

Nested loop:
for elem in names:
  for elem2 in names:
    for elem3 in names:
      name = elem+elem2+elem3

Using itertools:
for elem, elem2, elem3 in itertools.product(names, repeat=3)
 name = elem+elem2+elem3